Managed 2: A Rock Star Romance Read online

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  This balancing act was something Hailey tried to push away every night so she could go to sleep. Sure, those PR people had moved on to bigger companies, but they were still doing the same things where they were, and truthfully, it was worse the higher up one went.

  Chapter Two

  What the hell were they talking about? Did he say something about being a superhero? Jasper tried to pay attention to what the pretty women in front of him were saying but their voices sounded like they were talking to him in a fishbowl. They went in and out as his eyelids begged him to let them fall.

  He knew he should have been paying attention to what they were saying, but the pain he was feeling made it hard to concentrate. He blinked but had a difficult time dragging his eyelids back up. He felt Hailey squeeze his hand. There she was. A peacefulness like he had never felt blanketed him.

  His little bird was next to him and even though his whole body hurt like hell, all was right in the world as long as she was holding onto him. He tried to squeeze her hand back, but even that didn't seem to have the right gracefulness. His brain was trying to fire, but his body wasn't getting the signals.

  “You got all that?” he mumbled.

  “Yes, Jasper,” she said and he could hear a smile in her voice.

  How come her voice was clear to him and the others around him were muffled? He figured it was another one of her magical spells. Wait magic wasn’t real, he should probably sleep.

  “I'm glad because I can't focus on a word they are saying.”

  Hailey let out a snort, and one of the nurses, or maybe it was the doctor, huffed out an annoyed breath. He didn't care what they thought; he needed Hailey. He laid back down as gently as he could and closed his eyes, knowing that he was in Hailey's capable hands.

  He realized, after a moment, that the muffled voices of the nurses and doctors were gone. He cracked one eye open and locked on to Hailey's; she was staring at him with a mixture of confusion and fear. He knew she was worried about him especially since he got hit by the car running after her. An urge to comfort her rushed through him but his limbs felt encased in cement. Ah one of them was, he remembered. She shouldn't have run out on him. He knew that kiss was going to be epic. His little bird may have tried to hide herself under her frumpy clothes and her organized aloof attitude, but spending time with her, he saw through her attempt to close people off.

  When she was around the kids when they did that charity gardening he saw the real her shine through. The real Hailey was incredible. She was smart, kind, funny, and sexy as hell and he was going to get to know even more of her.

  She may have run away from him the first time he tried to kiss her but seeing the worry in her eyes and the jealousy when the nurses were flirting with him showed him she was a lot more into him than she wanted to admit. He might have laid the flirting on a little thick, just to gauge her reaction, but he didn't feel bad about it at all. The exhaustion kicking in made it even easier to flirt with Hailey just a few feet away from him. Or at least they made it easier until his body finally decided it was too tired to be present anymore.

  He fell asleep for a bit and when he woke up Hailey was gone. She must have snuck out while he dozed. He’d really wanted her to stay with him. They told him once he was clear of a concussion he could have pain meds, but right now he couldn’t escape it.


  Jasper ended up having to stay for two days because the doctors were concerned about his vitals. On the second day when they told him he would be released he’d called Hailey without breaking a sweat.

  “Jasper. I have all the release forms signed for you. They are bringing an orderly with a wheelchair to help me get you to your car. Carl is already waiting outside. Are you sure you want me to take you home? I'm sure Dustin and Liam want to see you to check on you.”

  He smiled at her, the pain was dull thanks to some strong pain killers, but it was still present.

  Jasper inhaled as much as he could with bruised ribs taking in the fresh scent of Hailey's breath. She must have been sucking on a mint or something because the cool minty air leaving her mouth felt like heaven against his cheek. Even in his tired mind, he couldn't help but think he had something she could suck on. It just wouldn't leave her mouth cool.

  He found all the strength he had left and held onto her hand even tighter. He laughed at his own dirty joke, he was positive he sounded insane. “I'll see them tomorrow. Right now all I want to do is go home and have you take care of me. Maybe we can get you in one of those dirty nurse’s outfits.”

  Hailey let out a frustrated breath that made his lips curve up. She was trying to get away from him, but he wasn't going to let her. If he had to bring up the fact that he wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place if she hadn't run out of his apartment, he would. Playing dirty was sometimes a necessary evil.

  Before she could give him another excuse, someone shuffled into the room. He looked around with his one open eye and saw a hulking man in blue scrubs come in pushing a wheelchair.

  “Your chariot has arrived,” his deep voice boomed.

  Hailey smiled.

  Hailey slipped her hand out of his grasp in order for the orderly to assist him in getting into the wheelchair. Jasper tried to get up, but his body wasn't cooperating.

  “I've got you, don’t try and move on your own,” the orderly said, picking him up and depositing him in the wheelchair as if he weighed nothing. “Let me know if you feel any nausea.”

  Jasper nodded and opened both eyes to find Hailey. She was standing on the opposite side of the bed now wringing her hands. He held out his hand, and she bit her lip, slowly walking around the bed to place her hand in his. The orderly pushed off and the three of them got through the door and down the hall to the elevator.

  He was glad she was holding onto him. She made him feel things, and she made him want to be a better person. She needed to get used to him not wanting to let her go. He understood her job, and that it had boundaries, but he wanted her for his own and he had to figure out how.

  Carl was in the loading zone. The massive man pushing the wheelchair looked small compared to Carl. The two men helped Jasper into the car. Hailey made a move for the front seat.

  “Sit back here with me, Little Bird. I don't think I can sit up by myself with these meds.”

  Hailey fidgeted again with her hands before slowly climbing into the back seat reaching for the seat belt furthest away from him.

  “Closer so I can lean on you.”

  He caught Carl raise an eyebrow in the rearview mirror at his request. Hailey slid over to his side, and Jasper wasted no time leaning his weight on her. Her whole body was rigid under his, but he refused to move to let her get comfortable. With the injuries he was sporting, she could use a little bit of discomfort.

  “Back to the hotel?” Carl asked, pulling away from the curb.

  “We need to go pick up his prescription. He's high as a kite right now, but if we don't pick up his pills, he will be in a world of hurt in a couple of hours when that wears off.”

  Jasper drifted in and out. When the car stopped, and Hailey jostled him to get out from under his sleeping body, he was shocked at how long he must have been sleeping. New York traffic at its finest.

  “I like her,” Carl told him, after Hailey exited the car to fill his prescription.

  “I do too,” he answered, hearing the wistfulness in his voice.

  “Don't do anything to screw this one up. When you find one like her, you hold on to her.”

  He nodded in agreement, as he fell back into his drug-induced sleep. He didn't wake up until Hailey's hands gently pressed on his face.

  “Jasper, we are back at your hotel. I need to get you in your apartment. Carl is going to help me, but I need you to wake up.”

  Carl opened the car door and helped Jasper out. He hissed as his body protested the movement. Carl put his arm around his waist, and Hailey wrapped hers around on the other side as they made it to the elevator. Jasper let hi
s head fall on the top of Hailey's, as they moved, allowing him to become enveloped in her scent.

  His body was crying with pain, as the pain meds ebbed out of his system, but that didn't stop the happiness he felt being taken care of by Hailey. They finally made it to his room. Carl tucked him into bed and told him to text him if he needed anything. He said he didn’t think so and Carl left him alone with Hailey.

  “You can take your pills now if you are feeling pain,” she said, standing at the side of his bed twisting the hem of her giant shirt.

  “Yes, please.”

  Hailey nodded her head and went out to get his pills and a bottle of water. After he took them, she stood awkwardly at the side of his bed as if she didn't know what to do.

  “Climb on the other side of the bed and talk to me while the pills get into my system.”

  She sucked in a breath as her gaze darted to the empty side of his bed. “Come on, Hailey, I can barely move. I'm in pain. I just want you to talk to me until I feel better.”

  With slow deliberate steps, Jasper tracked Hailey as she walked to the side of the bed and laid down making sure to keep as much distance as she could between the two of them. Jasper smiled at her but didn't push her. He would have to take his time with her.

  “What do you want to talk about?” he asked, closing his eyes and relishing her closeness. He could get used to having her in his bed.

  “Why did you become a musician? You complain about the label's hold on you and you say you are claustrophobic. I don't understand why you choose a profession where you are constantly putting yourself in situations where you could have a panic attack.”

  She had a good point. His claustrophobia was not conducive to being in the spotlight and being with a label cramped his artistic ability in a way that made him start to resent his passion, but what she didn't know is the truth of why he started it. Maybe if she understood why he played music, she would understand him better and realize he really was a good person. He had a feeling his Little Bird wouldn't consider being with someone if they weren't inherently good at heart.

  “I was bullied when I was younger,” he started.

  Hailey's hand reached out and she entangled her fingers with his. He didn't know her story, but he had a feeling she had something similar happen to her. That was probably the reason she was so good with the kids she volunteered with. After his story, he was going to have to get hers out of her.

  He let Hailey's small comfort seep into him as he told her about his childhood:

  “My parents were never around. My dad is a big shot producer, and they were constantly going on vacation and leaving me alone with the nanny. One day there was a parent-student day, and I was the only one that didn't have anyone show up for me. The nanny didn't feel it was part of her duties, and really she was right. The kids in my class started making fun of me and calling me orphan boy. They kept it up the next day and during lunch a group of boys surrounded me and chanted that nobody loved me. I ran out of the classroom and into the first open door I found.”

  “Jasper, I'm so sorry. How old were you?” Her voice was soft.

  “I was nine. It was probably the greatest thing that could have happened to me. I ran into the music room and started to cry. I got angry and kicked the empty desk frustrated that my parents made me the laughingstock of the school. They may have bought me the finest stuff, but I would have given it all up to have parents that paid attention to me. The thing was, though, I wasn't alone. The music teacher, Mr. Johnson, was hiding under his desk because some of the parents of his students kept pestering him about their kid’s talent. They were all insisting their child was the next big protégé and wanted him to confirm it. Mr. Johnson must have seen something in me, or he was bored and didn't want to leave the room and face the crazy, overzealous parents. For whatever reason he started working with me, helping me see it didn't matter what anyone thought of me, and that being self-reliant was a gift my parents were teaching me early. I started going into his room during recess and staying after school. He taught me how to play guitar. I was a natural and picked up on it quickly. I’m not bragging, that’s just how it was. Then one day I started singing, and I found my calling. Music was the only thing that got me through school and I will be forever grateful for Mr. Johnson's pity.”

  Jasper smiled at the thought of his old music instructor. Mr. Johnson had made it a point to make it to every one of his performances, whether it was at some rundown dive bar or a coffee shop where nobody was listening. Mr. Johnson might have pressed the importance of self-reliance, but he had always been there for Jasper as a constant support.

  “Do you still talk to Mr. Johnson?” Hailey asked, bringing him out of his thoughts.

  “He passed away three years ago. It was right when the band was being signed. He was so excited for me. The sad thing is I'm glad he isn't around to see how far I've let the label control my music.”

  “I'm sure he would be proud of you. You have a very supportive fan base. Believe me, I have been talking to them on social media all night. They love you and they want you to succeed. If you start doing the music you love they will be behind you.”

  Jasper's heart clinched. Could he give up the label and go on his own? Would the band go with him or were they too far gone on the sellout train?

  “You don't have to make any decisions now. You're in a cast for five to six weeks. So you have plenty of time.”

  “I don't want to think about any of that right now. I'm not sure I could do that to my band. We signed a contract so I would essentially be putting The Weeds in ruin just because I feel like I'm not making my old music teacher proud.”

  Hailey moved next to him, and he turned his head to see that she had propped her elbow on the bed and rested her head on her hand.

  “You know this isn't about making your old music teacher proud. Or about any lawsuit that will be thrown your way. I understand you don't want to do anything to hurt your band because the three of you did this together, but this is your life Jasper and you need to live it the way that will make you happy. I know you aren't a fan of the label and all the politics that go along with being famous. But seeing the way you talked about discovering music just now showed me that you really do a have a passion for it. Don't lose something you love because of other people dictating your moves. Some people don't find something they love as much as you love music in their lifetime, let alone get to do it for a living. Don't squander this.”

  Hailey's words were hitting too close to home, and he needed to change the subject quickly so he could have time to think over what she said. “You're not being a very good PR person trying to talk me out of the spotlight.”

  He knew his joke was going to fall flat and confirmed it when Hailey pinched her lips together and stared at him like she was holding back from yelling at him. The pain meds were doing their job though. His head felt heavy, and he kept blinking as he fought his eyelids from staying down.

  “Tell me, Little Bird, is PR your passion? I gave you information I haven't revealed with anyone. Even my band doesn't know what Mr. Johnson did for me.” Jasper heard her words come out of his mouth. They sounded slurred and as much as he wanted to hear Hailey's answer, he couldn't fight sleep any longer and dropped into oblivion.

  Chapter Three

  Hailey woke with something warm nestled to her side. When she opened her eyes, all functions stopped. She was pressed against a sleeping Jasper. She blinked rapidly hoping to wake up from whatever nightmare she was living in. After the fifth blink, when Jasper hadn't disappeared, Hailey's mind rewound thinking of all the events that happened the day before and how she ended up snuggling next to her sexy rock star client.

  With the agility of a ninja, Hailey crept out from Jasper's bed and dashed into the bathroom, closing the door. She leaned against it breathing wildly. Maybe she could get out before he woke up. Then she could convince him it was all a hallucination brought on by the meds.

  “Hailey, when you're done can you
bring me more pills. I'm in pain,” Jasper called to her through the door. He sounded tired.

  Hailey recalled him trying to toss and turn all night only to realize with a fractured arm and leg he wasn't going to find a comfortable position. That was actually the reason she ended up falling asleep. After giving him another dose of pain meds to get him off to never-never land, Hailey had crashed out next to him.

  Maybe not. “Yeah,” she called out, going to the sink and running the water to splash over her heated face. After stalling as best as she could, she slunk out of the bathroom assuming this was exactly what doing the walk of shame must feel like.

  “Can you help me up?” Jasper asked, his body ridged.

  All embarrassment was pushed aside as she rushed to his side to help him sit up. He winced when he finally got into a sitting position, his feet planted on the floor. When Hailey was assured he wasn't going to keel over, she ran into the kitchen to get him a bottle of water and his pills. He wasn't on the bed where she left him when she came back. The bathroom door pulled open and Jasper leaned on the doorjamb looking tired even though he just crawled out of bed. Hailey dropped the pills into his hand and tried not to become hypnotized as his throat muscles moved to drink the water down.